Videos Of Drum Legend Buddy Rich

Buddy Rich courtesy of

Few drummers deserve as much attention as the legendary drummer, Buddy Rich.  Rich has been a staple in the drummer diet for years, and should continue to be for years to come.  Rich has inspired drum legends, who have inspired other drum legends, that will continue to inspire drummers around the world.  Fortunately for us, there are many video performances on websites like where we can see Rich playing up close and personal.  I put together a few videos that should give you a good taste of Buddy Rich, but don’t stop there.  Continue to look for clips of his playing because he is a master showman and talented musician.

This first video is one of the more rare clips I have come across of Buddy Rich and his band.  Check it out here at

This next video is one of the best solos I have seen Buddy Rich play, and best of all the camera angles get right in there.  Enjoy it here at

The last video in this post features two of my favorite drummers to have hit the music scene.  I think you’ll enjoy it too.  Find it here at

Like I said before, these videos are just a start to research the famous drummer, Buddy Rich.  Spend some time getting inside his playing as it can have tremendous effects on your own playing.



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  1. I love the “Still think Travis Barker is fast?” comment in the second video!!!
