Learning to lay down the groove, without a lot of fills, is a lesson that few drummers learn. The most successful drummers in the music industry accept their roles as the foundation of the song. I’m not saying they never get the chance to let loose and shine, but being the foundation a song is built on is a lesson that is taught by one of the best session drummers today, Steve Jordan. Jordan has received a lot of fame recently as a strong part of John Mayer’s groups, but he is also known in the industry as a great producer and songwriter. Jordan has supplied some awesome videos that talk about his approach to recording and producing music. I put a few together in this post so you can get inside the head of this very successful drummer. I hope you enjoy it!
The first video showcases a few of Jordan’s favorite grooves. You’ll notice that the entire time Jordan is deep in the pocket and holds down the groove. Check it out at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gR2uXO8a8QI.
Steve Jordan shows more of his funk side in this next video. The same trio lays down a thick groove that is sure to please. Enjoy it at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RruAmVYiGYs.
The next video features a groove that is catered more towards a classic rock feel. I hear a lot of his work with John Mayer in this groove. Check it out at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0G5LNzdgbA&feature=related.
The last video that I’ll leave you with features the recording process behind John Mayer’s song, “In Repair.” The recording process on this song is pretty interesting and showcases Jordan’s comfort and flexibility in the recording studio. Check it out at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y68CYe22r4Q&feature=related.
Steve Jordan is an awesome compliment to and recording session that he is involved with, which is a mark of a true musician that gets involved in the whole recording process. The more you can learn about every step in the song creation process, the more prepared and knowledgeable you will be for the music industry. I hope you enjoyed the videos as much as I did, and took a few things away from them. Stick around for more soon.
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A drummer needs to be able to keep time/rhythm of the groove, main focus is keeping the band focused (even though, everyone in the band, ideally, needs to be able to keep time also). I like the commentary for the videos. All that talk about drumming makes me so… (is it getting hot in here)?