Sophisticated Rhythms With Chris Coleman

Chris Coleman has received high praise in the last decade from drum fans all over the world.  Coleman has won several awards as a kid and an adult, and now teaches drumming when he isn’t on tour with his own band, Chaka Kahn, Prince, or the praise and worship band, “Israel and New Breed.”  I found a few videos that feature Chris Coleman in a variety of music settings, but they all have one thing in common, very complex drumming made to look easy with Chris Coleman.  I hope you enjoy the videos as much as I did!

The first video features Chris Coleman playing with a jazz fusion band.  The groove is very deep and Coleman’s drumming, although difficult, is pretty tame compared to the videos to follow.  Check it out at

The second video comes from the 2011 Montreal Drum Festival.  Chris Coleman plays a drum solo over a metronome set to a 7 count beat.  It’s pretty amazing that even in an odd time signature, Coleman still feels very comfortable.  Check it out at

The last video features Chris Coleman as part of a jazz trio at the Atlanta Institute of Music.  The trio performs a fusion version of the Miles Davis classic, “All Blues.”  Check it out at

Chris Coleman has taken the music world by storm and is still on the rise.  Look for him at the next Chaka Kahn or Prince concert and you won’t be disappointed.  I hope you enjoyed these videos and this spotlight on the drummer, Chris Coleman.



Leave A Reply (5 comments so far)

  1. Francisco Publio Gonzàlez Huìzar

    Sûper Chris! thank you again, as allways!!!

  2. mike stebela


  3. glen

    AWESOME thanks.

  4. Gerry

    WOW, what a drummer! His power is incredible.

  5. Aldo

    incredible drumming!! thanks.