Hand And Foot Drumming Technique With Jojo Mayer

Jojo Mayer has thrived as a drummer in the sub genres of dance music and jazz music. Photo courtesy of Wikipedia.org

Jojo Mayer is one of the best drummers on the scene today, known for his technically precise drumming and experience with jazz greats like Dizzy Gillespie and Nina Simone.  Mayer has been able to use his background in jazz and fuse it with drum n’ bass grooves that are popular in the DJ world today.  So Mayer incorporates much of his precise playing experience into drum beats popular in the sub genres of dance music.  I found two videos that feature Jojo Mayer behind the kit, one in a drum workshop and the other in a solo.  Fortunately, you can see how he uses the hand and foot rolls in his solo once he explains it in the first video.  I hope you enjoy the videos and find them informative!

Jojo Mayer is a popular example of a precise drummer that also plays with a lot of energy and taste.  See him in a special workshop at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkpOL7gEuTM.

The second video I found for you features Jojo Mayer in a great drum solo.  Check it out at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lFMg-0rmEE&feature=related.

I hope you enjoyed and learned something from these videos featuring Jojo Mayer.  He’s a great drummer on the scene today and has thrived in the sub-genres of dance music and jazz music.



Leave A Reply (3 comments so far)

  1. robert bridges


    what a foot!

  2. Joe Loes

    Chris, Hi can you use that technique with the Hi Hat? (the rolling foot)



  3. Gerry

    Thanks Chris.