Stretches And Warmups For The Drums

Playing the drums is physically demanding. Make sure you stretch correctly before you play your first beat!

If you haven’t figured it out already, playing the drums is pretty demanding physically.  To prevent yourself from injury, it’s really important to stretch and warmup correctly before you play.  I have my own exercises, stretches and warmups that you will see in my product, but I thought I would share some videos and articles that detail some different stretches.  It’s very important to loosen up before you hit the kit to take care of your body and ensure you will be able to play for years to come.  Enjoy!

This first video comes from and goes over some great stretches you can do to loosen up before you sit down at the kit.  Check it out at

The next video details some warmup exercises to play with sticks that loosens up your hands.  Notice the correct posture that the instructor uses; this is imperative for playing the drums.  Check it out at

I came across an article that talks about stretches that drummers can use on tour.  Now, you may not be in a position to use these tips if you’re not a road musician, but they are still helpful to all drummers that find themselves in a cramped position and want to get loose.  Check out the article at

After five consecutive days of eight-hour drives, I feel like I’ve been shot in the hip. “What?” you respond, rightly appalled. “Five lousy days? Has this wanker ever actually toured before?” Well, it’s like this: after 35 years of jostling and jolting my scrawny ass over back roads, goat paths, and dry creek beds around the world, my once arrogantly independent vertebrae now resemble clusters of cranky old men crowded together on the worn-out park bench of my spine. You may not yet feel it, but the constant bumps and vibrations of highway travel are wreaking havoc on your skeletal, neurological, and vascular systems. For this month’s column, I’ve compiled a set of 8 “driving stretches,” which, combined with a full-time effort on your part to improve your posture, will help you to arrive at your gig fresher and healthier — tonight, and 20 years from tonight. That being said, everyone who isn’t serious about spending the next couple decades stuffed into a touring vehicle, please take two steps back. Those who remain, I salute you. Now stop slouching and start reading!

In-Van Stretches (Passengers Only, Please)

1. With arms down at sides, look over your left shoulder and hold for five seconds. Repeat to the right.

2. Arms down, shrug your shoulders up towards your ears — hold for five seconds, and repeat three times.

3. Interlace your fingers behind your head, and push your elbows back. Hold for ten seconds.

4. Place left arm against back of head, left hand touching right shoulder. Grab left elbow with right hand and pull to the right. Hold for ten seconds and reverse.

5. Interlace fingers and extend straight out in front of you. Hold for 15 seconds.

6. Repeat # 5, but with hands over head.

7. Cross right leg over left. Place right hand against inside of right knee, left hand slightly behind you. Turn head to look over right shoulder. Hold for ten seconds and reverse.

8. Lean forward in seat from the waist, with backs of hands touching floor.

Try to stop every two to three hours, if only to walk around the vehicle. As you walk, clasp your hands behind your head, lean back and to the sides. While you’re driving, keep your back firmly against the seat and sit close enough to the wheel so you don’t have to arch your back to reach the pedals or other instruments.

Admittedly, this month’s column wasn’t fraught with the usual wry and sardonic humor we typically strive for, but it’s still a hell of a lot funnier than a herniated disc.

Make sure you take care of your body before you get on the drums so you can have a long drumming career free of pain.  Make sure you check back into the blog for more posts soon!



Leave A Reply (3 comments so far)

  1. Francisco Publio Gonzàlez Huìzar


  2. Delano

    Awesome info. Keep up the good work!

  3. I liked what he said about practicing hard stuff to warm up. That just works well both ways, because you get better at that one thing and you’re also warmed up afterward to play it better!